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Structural Calculations:  

We provide fast efficient planning, structural calculation design services for your Loft conversion or Extension. 

Providing a clear and low cost structural design services.


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Submit to Building control

Average duration

8 working days


Get interactive!

Below is a interactive 3d representation of the structure required for a rear dormer loft conversion. which includes new beams (highlighted in red), new roof joists, new floor joists, Ashlar support wall for the support of the front roof slope. Calculations of these elements will be required by building control.

click on the image to rotate

Online services:-

We can also prepare structural calculation from your plans,

We will review your plans and return with a quote within 48hrs. Your calculation will usually take 7-10 working days to prepare. More

Structural Calculation design

Your home extension or loft conversion may require structural calculations to realize your proposed design. Any structural alteration made to residential or commercial buildings will need Building Control approval, whether it’s a small extension or removal of an internal load bearing wall. Structural calculations should be carried out to demonstrate compliance to the Local Authority and to advise builders.


All our calculations are prepared with drawings and when combined with our planning and building regulations application service will include 3d visuals similar to the ones on this page.

No more complication as to the placements of your structural members. Our calculation are presented in a clear and easy to read format with diagrams and workings for presentation to building control as a part of your building regulations application.

How much will it cost ?

Pricing example for a Standard terrace Loft conversion without Dormer with plans provided by client. Calculations provided for all steel, joists, posts and rafters from only £295

Calculations pack only

Online calculations, here we can prepare your structural calculation from your plans, just send a PDF copy to us via our Uploads Page or email us at calculations@sharpeplan.co.uk. We will review your plans and return with a quote. You calculation usually will take 7 working days to prepare.

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Calculation & building regulations

Add on services

In addition to our calculation services you may require our building regulation specification and submission services. We may provide this as an add-on for an additional £595 find out more

Recent Enquiries

Your question's

Q: I have submitted my building notice application for a loft conversion with plans, they have now requested that we provide them with structural calculations. Can you help.

A: If you are making a Building Regulation application, then issues like this will be picked up by the local authority when you submit your application. Invariably they will want structural calculations to justify what you intend doing, for this reason we provide structural calculations with our full Building regulation applications. In this situation you may send us your drawings to prepare your steel calculations.

Domestic Construction, when are Structural Calculations required?

Structural Calculations are required to meet Building Control Approval Engineers satisfaction, and for the Builder/Contractor to work from in making sure that any construction they undertake is built structurally sound. You will most certainly require them for a Loft Conversion, and even a small extension.  The Structural Calculations are incorporated into the final design drawings that will be submitted to Building Control prior to construction commencing.


Starting your building project:-

The building control of the local borough must be notified prior to works onsite for inspection of a building project even though planning permission may not be required. A Certificate of completion should be obtained when the project is completed, which would be vital for insurance cover, selling the property and for any other legal requirements

How to avoid problems in a building project:-

It is very important and 'a must' to get the details of a project right on paper. detail drawings engineering calculations specification will explore the limits of of your project , before attempting to start a development. These processes (plan, building regulation, specification and calculation) must be completed even if you do not require planning permission. Any ambiguity can cause problems between you and the builder or between you and the council and any problem can require works to be rectified. Problems can delay a development and can accumulate the cost of a project enormously..

Contact us to find out more from only £375

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